4 Ways Your Heart Adapts to Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic exercise is a heart-healthy activity, but have you ever wondered why? Here are four ways exercise changes the structure and function of your heart and why that’s good for your health.
stroke volume
Aerobic exercise is a heart-healthy activity, but have you ever wondered why? Here are four ways exercise changes the structure and function of your heart and why that’s good for your health.
Your body responds to endurance training in a number of ways. It makes adaptations that give you greater exercise endurance and a more efficient cardiovascular system. Find out more about adaptations to endurance exercise and discover six things that exercise increases.
One of the benefits of aerobic exercise is it improves aerobic capacity or the ability of muscles to use oxygen to make energy. An indirect measure of this is called V02 max. Have you ever wondered how much you can improve your aerobic capacity or V02 max? Find out more about maximizing aerobic capacity.
So much to think about when you lift weights. Form is one of them – but don’t neglect another aspect of weight training – breathing. Some trainers will tell you there’s a right way and a wrong way to breathe but the most important thing is to make sure you ARE breathing. Here’s why.
Circuit resistance training boosts your heart rate, but is it really a good as cardiovascular exercises like aerobic classes, running or cycling? Find out.