Tag: strength training workouts

The Music in XTrain

All of the music we used in XTrain was custom made by the same music production company (MyFitJam)  that produced the music for “To The Max” and “CrossFire”. So if you liked the music in our last production you should like XTrain’s music.  Cathe spent many months working almost every day with the music production

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Total Body Tri-Sets Workout DVD

This workout is divided into two sections; Upper Body and Lower Body. You should do each split workout one to two times per week depending on your fitness goals. We have also included several premixes for those of you that prefer training your Total Body on the same workout  day or prefer shorter express workouts. You

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Total Body Tri-Sets: Time Breakdown

The time breakdown for Total Body Tri-Sets is as follows: Lower Body Split 39 mins (warm up 4:13, lower body 31:00 stretch 4:05) Upper Body Split  56 mins (warm up 4:13, lower body 48:00, stretch 4:05) Chest/Shoulders/Triceps  30 min (warm up 4:13, Chest/Shoulders/Triceps 22:07,  stretch 4:05) Back/Biceps/Core  30 mins (warm up 4:13, Back/Biceps/Core 22:05,  stretch 4:05)

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