Magnesium: The Multitasking Mineral for Health and Wellness
Explore the practical health benefits of magnesium supplementation in this article. Learn about its effects on muscle discomfort, migraines, exercise performance, and more.
sports performance
Explore the practical health benefits of magnesium supplementation in this article. Learn about its effects on muscle discomfort, migraines, exercise performance, and more.
Discover the hidden potential of magnesium for your well-being. This insightful article explores how magnesium benefits heart health, cognitive function, sleep quality, and muscle performance. Are you getting enough of it?
The overhead press is an exercise that builds “pushing” strength. Here are five benefits you’ll get by including them in your strength-training routine and one caution about this exercise.
Caffeine makes you more alert, but can it improve your workout too? Find out how caffeine affects exercise endurance, how much you need to get the benefits, and what the potential negative effects of using caffeine as an ergogenic aid are.
Vitamin D is vital for bone health and a healthy immune system, but research suggests it may also play a key role in muscle health and performance. In fact, research suggests that having a shortfall of vitamin D could negatively affect how your muscles function. Find out more.
Iron is a critical part of the hemoglobin molecule that carries oxygen to tissues during exercise. A group of researchers recently looked at the role iron plays in exercise performance in women. Can iron supplements help women athletes perform better? Find out what research shows.
Vegetarian diets may offer certain health benefits – but what about athletes? This article discusses vegetarian diets as they relate to endurance and strength exercise and whether they have a negative impact on sports performance.
Just as there are substances that improve exercise performance called ergogenic agents, there are ones that can hamper your ability to exercise. Find out more about these “ergolytic” substances and how they make it harder to work out.
More people are eating yogurt with active cultures to get their daily dose of probiotics. Probiotics have benefits, especially for athletes and people who are physically active. Find out what they are and how to add more probiotics to your diet.
Strength and power – they’re both important for athletic performance, but they aren’t the same thing. An athlete may be strong, but if they lack power, they won’t be successful in most sports. Find out what the difference is between strength and power and, why each is important and how to develop each.