All Shock Cardio DVDs
This week all and any of our STS Shock Cardio DVDs are our featured DVD and you can save 30% (even more when you take advantage of our quantity discounts) just by using coupon code FP30 when you order.
This week all and any of our STS Shock Cardio DVDs are our featured DVD and you can save 30% (even more when you take advantage of our quantity discounts) just by using coupon code FP30 when you order.
Today is the last day to take advantage of our Free download offer for pre-ordering our Shock Cardio DVD series. As long as you preorder the entire Shock Cardio DVD series (11 DVDs) or the entire Shock Cardio DVD series + Travel Fit (12 DVDs) by end of the day on 10-31-09, you will also