Tag: risk of heart disease

6 Ways Plant-Based Foods Lower Your Risk for Heart Disease

6 Ways Plant-Based Foods Lower Your Risk for Heart Disease

Diet is a powerful disease fighter, especially a diet rich in plant-based foods. Unfortunately, most people don’t enjoy enough fruits, vegetables and other foods derived from plant sources. This article talks about 6 ways eating a plant-based diet can lower your risk for heart disease.

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Diet and Heart Health: Minerals You Need for a Healthy Heart

Diet and Heart Health: Minerals You Need for a Healthy Heart

Eating a healthy diet is important for heart health but it’s more than just the types of fats you eat. Micronutrients count when it comes to the health of your heart, especially the mineral composition of your diet. Find out which minerals are most important for the health of your heart and how to get more of them naturally through diet.

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Some people choose to eat primitive diets based on the idea that hunter-gatherer societies had less heart disease

Primitive Diets: Were Hunter-Gatherers Really Free of Heart Disease?

Some people choose to eat primitive diets based on the idea that hunter-gatherer societies had less heart disease and other chronic diseases common in modern society – but did they really have less evidence of heart disease? A new study calls this into question and offers a possible explanation why heart disease may still have occurred in primitive societies.

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Beyond Cholesterol: How Inflammation Puts You at Risk for Heart Disease

Beyond Cholesterol: How Inflammation Puts You at Risk for Heart Disease

Most people focus on their cholesterol as a marker for their risk for heart disease but it’s not the only one. There’s growing evidence that inflammation plays a role in heart disease and you can measure that through a blood test. Find out more about the role inflammation plays in heart disease, how to measure it and how to reduce inflammation.

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Why Low-Fat Diets Aren't So Heart-Healthy After All

Why Low-Fat Diets Aren’t So Heart-Healthy After All

Some people cling to a low-fat diet in hopes of lowering their risk for heart disease. That’s not necessarily a good move for overall health. A recent study looked at low-fat diets and their effect on heart health and came to some surprising conclusions. Find out what they are.

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Calcium, Dairy Foods and Belly Fat

Calcium, Dairy Foods and Belly Fat

Are you looking for a way to get rid of stubborn belly fat? It’s a frustrating problem that becomes more pronounced as you get older. Exercise is important, but research shows that changing the composition of your diet may help too. Find out why.

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Why Belly Fat Is Risky Even if Your Weight Is Normal

Why Belly Fat Is Risky Even if Your Weight Is Normal

Think you’re healthy because your weight is normal? According to a new study, that’s not necessarily the case. If you store too much fat around your waist and tummy region, your risk of health problems may be the same as someone who’s obese. Find out more about the link between waist and belly fat and health problems and what you can do to lower your risk.

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