Tag: risk of developing type 2

Resistance training and insulin sensitivity

Resistance Training Improves Insulin Sensitivity and Here’s Why

Insulin sensitivity is a key element in determining your metabolic health. We know that aerobic exercise improves how cells process glucose, but there’s also evidence that resistance training does too. Now, scientists think they know why working your muscles against resistance helps you stay metabolically healthy.

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Eleven Fascinating Health Benefits of Brown Rice

Eleven Fascinating Health Benefits of Brown Rice

Brown rice is an affordable and ideal accompaniment to almost any dish, whether meat or vegetable based. In addition to being a staple food, it turns out that it is also extremely good for your body. Read on to discover the eleven main health benefits of brown rice, and learn why eating more of it could improve your quality of life and help you to live longer.

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Twelve Important Reasons Why You Need More Magnesium in Your Diet

Magnesium is a mineral that is vital for optimal health, and your body requires it for thousands of different biochemical reactions. As a result, various organs and bodily functions can suffer quite profoundly if your diet does not contain enough magnesium. In spite of this, experts on nutrition believe that up to 90% of the population may not be regularly getting their recommended daily intake of magnesium.

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