5 Types of Fatigue Impacting Your Workout
Explore the world of exercise fatigue and discover five different types that impact your workouts. Discover actionable strategies for minimizing the impact of all types of exercise fatigue.
Rest and Recovery
Explore the world of exercise fatigue and discover five different types that impact your workouts. Discover actionable strategies for minimizing the impact of all types of exercise fatigue.
After a hard week of working out, you may look forward to your rest days! It’s a chance to relax mentally and physically and let your body recover. However, you still need nutrition. Should you eat the same on rest and recovery days as you do on days you work out?
Hypertrophy Training – You might think that training more will lead to greater gains – but that’s not necessarily true. Muscles need rest and recovery time to grow. Here’s why training more doesn’t always lead to greater strength and hypertrophy gains.
When you’re trying to get fitter and stronger, the last thing you want is to overreach or push yourself past the point where your body can recover. Overreaching can lead to a more severe form of exercise fatigue trainers refer to as overtraining. Fortunately, you can prevent this problem by following a few guidelines.
How do you think of a workout – as a welcome diversion and a pleasant challenge – or as a task you HAVE to do? How you frame your workout may influence whether or not you lose weight by impacting how much you eat a workout is over. Find out what a new study shows about attitude towards exercise and how much you eat after a workout.
Do you work out every day without giving yourself a rest day each week? Find out why a rest day is important and how it can improve your fitness gains – and why not taking a day off can work against you.