Tag: ratio of omega-6 to omega-3

Soybean oil - it's in most of the products you buy at the grocery store and the foods you eat in restaurants, but is soybean oil really healthy?

Soybean Oil is Everywhere, but is It Healthy?

Soybean oil – it’s in most of the products you buy at the grocery store and the foods you eat in restaurants. Some people cling to the idea that soybean oil is healthy – but does science support this idea? Find out what a new study shows.

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The Role Inflammation Plays in Aging and How Diet and Exercise Impact It

The Role Inflammation Plays in Aging and How Diet and Exercise Impact It

What causes us to age and develop common age-related diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and dementia? Some experts believe inflammation is a factor. A new study looking at the role of inflammation in aging came to some interesting conclusions. Find out what they are and the role diet and exercise play in keeping low-grade inflammation in check.

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