Tag: periodization

Training Loads: the “Sweet Spot” for Muscle Hypertrophy

Training Loads: the “Sweet Spot” for Muscle Hypertrophy

If you use a very heavy resistance, you’ll maximize strength gains while using light weights and high volume is ideal for building muscle endurance – but what about muscle size? Is there a “sweet spot” in terms of volume and intensity that maximizes gains in muscle size? Find out.

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What is an Undulating Periodization Workout Program?

Periodization is a training method that involves manipulating training variables during distinct phases to achieve greater gains. It’s a method that can be applied to weight training to avoid plateaus and increase gains. This article discusses the types of periodized training schedules.

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Certainly, there will always be different opinions on which exercise routine is the best, but we feel there are seven important differences between STS and almost any other workout series you could purchase. Here is why: 1. STS offers a different workout every time: Not only does this help to decrease boredom, but also keeps

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