Tag: overreaching

Training too hard

5 Sneaky Signs You’re Training Too Hard

Exercise has many positive health benefits, but it is possible to train too hard or “overreach.” If you don’t modify your training to allow more rest and recovery time, it can lead to a more serious syndrome called the overtraining syndrome. Here are five subtle signs that you’re pushing too hard.

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5 Ways to Avoid Overtraining?

5 Ways to Avoid Overtraining?

It’s important to challenge your body when you exercise to see results. But rest and recovery are an important part of the process. When you don’t allow your body enough time to recover, you can experience symptoms of overreaching and, in extreme cases, overtraining. This may require days or weeks to correct. The best approach is to “listen to your body” and keep workouts and rest time balanced. This article discusses five ways to avoid overreaching or overtraining.

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