5 Reasons Women Should Lift Heavy Weights
The good news is this. A woman can slow down this decline by doing regular weight training. The best way to do it is to lift weights heavy enough to be a challenge.
The good news is this. A woman can slow down this decline by doing regular weight training. The best way to do it is to lift weights heavy enough to be a challenge.
Don’t let the naysayers tell you lifting heavy weights for women will cause you to gain weight or bulk you up if you’re female. Enjoy the benefits that lifting heavy weights has on your metabolism and your body.
Recent studies have removed the uncertainty and show that exercise not only delays the aging process but can also reverse the aging process.
Cardiovascular exercise boosts endurance and heart health while burning calories and fat. Does cardiovascular exercise cause loss of muscle mass? Some fitness gurus think so.
There’s little doubt that physiques undergo a noticeable decline when a person goes from gym rat to couch potato. But, do muscles turn to fat?