Tag: master hormone

Resistance Training and Testosterone: What Role Does It Play in Women?

Resistance Training and Testosterone: What Role Does It Play in Women?

Testosterone is an anabolic hormone that boosts muscle growth. Men have significantly higher levels of testosterone than women, putting them at a disadvantage when it comes to building lean body mass. So how is it that some women can build lean body mass through training? Find out more about the testosterone response in women and another anabolic hormone that helps women build muscle and burn fat.

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How Low Calorie Diets Affect Thyroid Function

How Low Calorie Diets Affect Thyroid Function

You already know that your thyroid is the “master gland” when it comes to controlling your metabolism. Have you ever wondered what effect dieting and calorie restriction has on your thyroid function? Read on and find out why it’s not a good idea to cut calories back too low even if you’re trying to lose weight.

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