Tag: internal clock

How Circadian Rhythms Affect Your Body Weight

How Circadian Rhythms Affect Your Body Weight

How you exercise and what you eat certainly impacts your weight, but there are a number of other factors that make it easier or harder to control your weight. One of these is the internal clock that controls your natural rhythms called circadian rhythms. Find out how changes in circadian rhythms can lead to weight gain and what to do to keep your clock properly “set.”

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Five quick tests to see how fast you're aging.

5 Quick Tests to See How Fast You’re Aging

Are you aging slowly or faster than you should? There isn’t a single test that will tell you what your chronological age is, but if you want a better idea, try these simple tests you can do at home to see where you stand. They’ll give you a rough idea of whether you’re doing the right thing from a lifestyle standpoint to slow down the aging process – and alert you to things you need to change.

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