Tag: high intensity workout

Resistance Training and Afterburn: Does Resistance Training Increase EPOC?

Resistance Training and Afterburn: Does Resistance Training Increase EPOC?

Who doesn’t want to keep burning fat even after they stop working out? When you work out intensely, your metabolism remains high for hours after an exercise session due to a phenomenon called EPOC or the afterburn effect. Most people think that you get a significant afterburn only after high-intensity aerobics – but what about resistance training? Does resistance exercise create an afterburn too?

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Why high-intensity exercise is more effective

5 Reasons Why High-Intensity Exercise Is More Effective

High-intensity exercise is popular these days. Instead of jogging on a treadmill or cycling at a moderate pace, you kick up the intensity for short intervals and then recover. Doing this type of workout has considerable advantages when it comes to health and body composition. Discover five reasons why high-intensity workouts are better.

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Can you relieve stress through exercise?

Can 30 Seconds of Exercise Relieve Stress?

Exercise does more than just shape your body. It has mental health benefits as well. When you feel stress levels rising, you can break the cycle of stress and anxiety by doing a short burst of high-intensity exercise. Find out why this works.

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MMA Kickbox video clip

We have now posted our 3rd MMA video clip. MMA Kickbox is a 53 minute high intensity workout that will blast fat, build stamina, increase flexibility and muscle endurance. After a warm up, you’ll do three punching and kicking combinations, followed by a sports specific cardio drill to whip you into incredible shape. MMA Kickbox

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MMA Kickbox

MMA Kickbox is a 60 minute high intensity workout that will blast fat, build stamina, increase flexibility and muscle endurance. After a warm up, you’ll do three punching and kicking combinations, followed by a sports specific cardio drill to whip you into incredible shape. MMA Kickbox concludes with sports specific core drills that are new,

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