Tag: high blood pressure

Are Salt Substitutes Better for You Than Salt?

Worried that you’re consuming too much salt? Most people are, and some turn to salt substitutes to get a salty taste without the sodium. Are salt substitutes really healthier than salt? Find out, and discover other ways to lower your sodium intake.

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high blood pressure

Ten Ways That High Blood Pressure Puts Your Life at Risk

Everyone knows that it is good for your health to keep your blood pressure under control, but what you may not know is that high blood pressure can cause up to ten dangerous health problems that can sometimes be fatal. High blood pressure is usually a silent problem, and symptoms tend to develop only when your body is already damaged by years of hypertension. As a result, it is extremely important to get your blood pressure measured at regular intervals. Read on to learn about the most dangerous and frightening complications that undiagnosed or uncontrolled high blood pressure can cause.

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5 Simple Ways to Reduce Sodium in Your Diet

Are you getting too much sodium in your diet? If you’re like most people, you probably are. Some people are actually more sensitive to the effects of salt than others and are at greater risk of developing blood pressure problems if they get too much. Find out who’s more likely to be salt sensitive, and discover five simple ways to reduce sodium in your diet.

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health numbers

5 Health Numbers You Need to Know

You probably know lots of numbers, but what about numbers that say something about your health – like your blood pressure? Blood pressure isn’t the only health number to track. Here are four others you need to know and keep track of.

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Time flys when you are having fun! by strongiam

It’s true the older you get, the faster time seems to fly by. Last year, I decided that I could do nothing and stay on the fast track to obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease or I could do something different. The year was going to fly by regardless of how I spent

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men's health month

June is Men’s Health Month

For Men’s Health Month this June, try to do one thing to improve your health. Whether it is to quit smoking, eat more healthily or get more exercise, the long-term effects will be vital, and you’ll feel better for it!

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Can supplements reduce blood pressure?

Five Supplements That Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally

If you have hypertension, there’s a chance you’ll need medications to keep your blood pressure under control, but some people are able to do control their blood pressure naturally by modifying their diet and lifestyle. Are there vitamins and supplements that can help? Here are five supplements to discuss with your doctor

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