Tag: health of your heart

How Much Can You Lower Your Risk for Heart Disease Through Lifestyle?

How Much Can You Lower Your Risk for Heart Disease Through Lifestyle?

One disease men AND women need to be concerned about is heart disease. Heart disease is still the number one cause of death in the United States. We hear about the importance lifestyle factors play in heart disease prevention – but how much can you lower your risk by “doing the right thing?” Find out what a new study shows.

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Beyond Cholesterol: How Inflammation Puts You at Risk for Heart Disease

Beyond Cholesterol: How Inflammation Puts You at Risk for Heart Disease

Most people focus on their cholesterol as a marker for their risk for heart disease but it’s not the only one. There’s growing evidence that inflammation plays a role in heart disease and you can measure that through a blood test. Find out more about the role inflammation plays in heart disease, how to measure it and how to reduce inflammation.

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