Tag: flu

Flu Vaccine

Can What You Eat Make the Flu Vaccine More Effective?

Influenza kills as many as half a million people each year. It’s a serious illness, especially for those younger than age 2 and over age 65. Your best defense is the influenza vaccine. The response to the flu vaccine varies from year to year and even between individuals. Can what you eat impact your response to the flu vaccine?

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Supplements that lower the risk of flu

Are There Supplements That Can Lower Your Risk of Flu?

Are there supplements that can lower your risk of catching seasonal influenza? Your best protection is the seasonal influenza vaccine and none of these supplements is a substitute for that. However, science suggests that some supplements may be modestly protective. Here are some supported by science,

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Can living near traffic increase your heart disease risk?

7 Surprising Factors That Increase Heart Disease Risk

Cardiovascular disease is still the most common cause of death in men and women in Western countries. You’re already familiar with the most common risk factors for this common health problem, but here are seven surprising risk factors for heart disease that you might not be aware of. 

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Can Exercise Protect You From the Flu?

Can Exercise Protect You From the Flu?

Can exercise help you avoid the flu? Find out what research shows about exercise and how it affects immunity and your ability to fight off colds and flu. You’ll also discover ways to enhance your body’s ability to fight off flu and upper respiratory infections when you work out.

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Fifteen Foods and Drinks That Will Help You to Recover From the Flu

Fifteen Foods and Drinks That Will Help You to Recover From the Flu

Unfortunately, flu season is upon us once again. Although there are ways to reduce your risk of catching a flu virus, it is likely that you or a loved one will fall ill at some point during the colder months of the year. When you catch the flu, it can be hard to know what to eat to feel better and stay appropriately nourished. Take note of these ideas to help yourself and the members of your family to recover more quickly.

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