
Tag: feel tired

Should you exercise when your tired?

Should You Exercise When You’re Tired?

You don’t want to miss an exercise session, but there are situations where rest might serve you better. What if you feel extremely tired? Should you workout or take a day off? Here’s why rest is sometimes as important as exercise.

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Do you feel tired all of the time?

6 Reasons You Feel Tired All the Time

Feeling tired lately? It’s a common complaint! If you’re getting enough sleep and still feel tired, you could have a medical problem, or you may need to upgrade some of your health practices. Here are six reasons you feel tired all the time. 

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How to Reduce After-Exercise Fatigue

How to Reduce After-Exercise Fatigue

High-intensity workouts can be exhausting, especially if you do them for a long period of time. Have you ever felt you needed a nap after a high-intensity workout and just don’t have the energy to get on with your busy day? You might even wake up the next morning feeling tired, especially if you work out more intensely than you’re used to.

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