Tag: eating

Losing Weight: How Does It Impact a Romantic Relationship?

Losing Weight: How Does It Impact a Romantic Relationship?

Losing weight has benefits. You can slip into clothing you thought you could never wear again, and you look and feel your best. It took lots of time and dedication to reach your weight loss goal and you’re proud of your accomplishment. Losing weight is no small feat! Hopefully, your spouse and family feel as

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Can external cues help you stop eating when you're no longer hungry?

Why We Continue to Eat Even When We’re No Longer Hungry

Some people overeat without really being aware of it. Instead of stopping when they’re full, they keep eating past the point of satiety. Why is this so? According to one study, it has to do with the type of “cues” we use to decide when to stop eating. Find out more and discover simple ways to use these external cues to your advantage.

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Does who you eat with affect weight control?

Does Who You Eat With Affect How Much You Eat?

There are lots of subtle influences on how much you eat when you sit down to a meal. Now new research shows that how many calories you take in and how fast you eat is influenced by who you eat with. Find out how your choice of dining companion can influence your weight.

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