Tag: cue

Can external cues help you stop eating when you're no longer hungry?

Why We Continue to Eat Even When We’re No Longer Hungry

Some people overeat without really being aware of it. Instead of stopping when they’re full, they keep eating past the point of satiety. Why is this so? According to one study, it has to do with the type of “cues” we use to decide when to stop eating. Find out more and discover simple ways to use these external cues to your advantage.

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Can a food's aroma affect how much you eat?

Can a Food’s Aroma Affect How Much You Eat?

Sensory cues are important for controlling appetite and satiety. People generally eat less when a food is thicker or creamer. A food’s aroma also appears to have an impact. Research shows that when foods have a stronger odor, we take smaller bite sizes, and ultimately eat less. Find out how you can use this and other sensory cues to control how much you eat.

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