Tag: caffeine


The Impact of Caffeine on Your Health: Pros and Cons

Most people consume caffeine daily, whether it’s by drinking coffee or consuming other sources such as tea, energy drinks, soft drinks, and some medications. But are you doing your health a favor when you enjoy sources of caffeine? Find out what the pros and cons are.

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Coffee headaches

Can Your Morning Coffee Trigger Headaches?

Let’s explore the intricate world of caffeine and headaches as this article unravels the complexities behind your morning cup’s potential role in triggering or alleviating headaches. Discover its dual nature in causing and relieving headaches and discover how keeping a caffeine journal can unlock personalized strategies for managing this intricate relationship.

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Plant-based foods high in calcium

5 Ways to Increase the Calcium You Absorb from Plant-Based Foods

Maintaining strong bones and teeth is one of calcium’s many functions. Dairy products are top sources of calcium, but if you don’t consume dairy, plant-based calcium sources are another option. One drawback is you don’t absorb as much calcium from plant-based foods. Here are five ways, backed by science, to boost the amount of calcium your body absorbs from plant-based foods. 

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Coffee and Blood Pressure

Is Coffee Bad for Your Blood Pressure?

One of the most popular beverages in the world, coffee may have potential health benefits. But what about its effects on blood pressure and hypertension risk? Does coffee raise blood pressure or aggravate hypertension? Find out what science shows. 

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