Tag: breakfast foods

5 Easy 5-Minute Breakfast Ideas for the Health Conscious

5 Easy 5-Minute Breakfast Ideas for the Health Conscious

A healthy breakfast has been found to address many modern health concerns, from weight loss and maintenance to reducing heart disease, easing stress, and more. Eating a healthy breakfast does not have to be a time consuming process. Nor does breakfast have to be chemical laden prepackaged for fast food choices in order to be quick and easy. Here are the seven reasons why a healthy lifestyle includes a healthy breakfast followed by five easy recipes even kids will love.

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vacation weight gain

5 Ways to Avoid Vacation Weight Gain

It’s not uncommon to return from a week’s vacation several pounds heavier, and it can take weeks to get that extra weight off. The reason? Many vacationers completely change their diet and exercise habits. Fortunately, you don’t have to be saddled with extra weight when you come home. Here are five effective ways to avoid vacation weight gain.

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