Tag: beans and lentils

A New Reason to Add Beans and Lentils to Your Diet

A New Reason to Add Beans and Lentils to Your Diet

Have you had a bowl of legumes lately? Legumes, like beans and lentils are an under-appreciated source of nutrition. Now a new study highlights another reason to add more legumes to your diet. Find out how legumes could help keep your waistline trim and lower your risk for heart disease.

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Vegetables as a Protein Source: Which Veggies Are Best?

Vegetables as a Protein Source: Which Veggies Are Best?

You already know that vegetables are a good source of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants, but some vegetables are a respectable source of protein too. Find out which vegetables are highest in protein and some of the pitfalls of using vegetables as your primary protein source.

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