Tag: autonomic nervous system

Can exercise reduce the risk of sudden death

Can Exercise Lower Your Risk for Sudden Death?

There’s no doubt that exercise lowers your risk for heart disease – but what about sudden death due to an abnormal heart rhythm? Despite the fact that people occasionally drop dead during exercise, research suggests exercise may actually make you more resistant to heart rhythms that lead to sudden death. Find out how.

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Building Strength: You Might Have Superhuman Strength and Not Know It

Building Strength: You Might Have Superhuman Strength and Not Know It

Are you stronger than you think you are? The answer is almost assuredly yes. This article talks about people who are able to lift seemingly impossible amounts of weight under the right circumstances and how this might be possible. It also discusses the concept of “absolute strength” and “maximal strength.” You just might discover you’re capable of lifting more weight than you think you are.

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