Tag: amount of time

XTrain SuperCuts Workout Time

This is a picture of Cathe and Cedie doing a row and arrow in SuperCuts. XTrain SuperCuts is less than 46 minutes, but uses every second to give you a total body conditioning workout and cardio all in the same routine. This will definitely be your go to workout when you want to get both

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Total Body Tri-Sets: Time Breakdown

The time breakdown for Total Body Tri-Sets is as follows: Lower Body Split 39 mins (warm up 4:13, lower body 31:00 stretch 4:05) Upper Body Split  56 mins (warm up 4:13, lower body 48:00, stretch 4:05) Chest/Shoulders/Triceps  30 min (warm up 4:13, Chest/Shoulders/Triceps 22:07,  stretch 4:05) Back/Biceps/Core  30 mins (warm up 4:13, Back/Biceps/Core 22:05,  stretch 4:05)

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