Tag: 2014 road trip

A Big Warm & Fuzzy Group Hug To All Of Our 2014 Chicago Cathe Road Trippers

Thank You!

Thank you from the very bottom of my heart for making this one of the most fantastic Road Trips ever!!!!

By now most of you are back home and settled into your daily routines and quite possibly experiencing what I refer to as “post Road Trip blues.” You left here on such a high after meeting and making so many friends who share a common bond with a love for fitness. Friends who “embrace the challenge” and actually get why you love to “work work” so hard. Friends who completely understand why you would want to race on the plane or into a car and do Cathe workouts all weekend long. A group who totally gets why your suitcase is busting at the seams with colorful shoes, spandex and KIND bars.

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