STS Update

Hi Everyone!
We’re continuing to make steady progress in completing the editing of the STS series. In our May 18th Blog update we outlined all of the steps necessary in completing the editing of the STS series and we told you then we were a couple weeks away from finishing “Fine Editing” (step #4). Well, we have now finished the “fine editing” in step #4 and have been working on the “Final Editing” in step #5 for about the last 12 days. Wow, that was a mouthful, did you catch all that?…LOL!
I took the above picture of the main edit room at NFL Films where we’re working nearly every day now. I can’t begin to tell you how pleased I am with quality I’m seeing in the STS workouts as we work our way through “Final Editing” of all 41 workouts. The clarity is outstanding.
Though I wish the process could go faster I think when you finally see the end result you will be very pleased and will agree the wait was well worth it. NFL Films has just done an amazing job on this production and words simply can’t describe the magnitude of every step involved. I do plan on sharing seven to ten minute clips on YouTube for nearly every workout in the STS series with you, but that will have to wait until we have completed a few more steps and added the custom music. For now we will keep you updated in this Blog and in the STS forums as best we can.
Your support and patience means the world to us. While we are uber anxious to get this series into your hands ASAP, our focus and commitment is nothing short of bringing you the highest quality workout series ever!!!!
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