STS Muscle Animations

Yesterday, we had a meeting at NFL Films with their medical illustrator. In filming a weight training video like STS there is always a lot of downtime between weight segments that needs to be filled with something. Cathe will use some of this time to give you some very detailed and informative form pointers, but we also plan on using some of this time to teach and show you what the various “heads” of a particular muscle do. We know from running a health club that most people generally know which exercises work a particular muscle group, but few know which exercises work the particular head of a muscle.
When we interview a personal trainer for our club we always ask them to give is us some examples of exercises for a particular head of a muscle. Most trainers can certainly tell you which exercises work a particular muscle, but few can tell you which exercises work a particular head of the muscle. If you ever decide to hire a trainer for weight training and really want to test their knowledge, ask them which exercises they would recommend for working a particular head of a muscle. The really good ones will know.
The purpose of our meeting yesterday with the medical illustrator at NFL Films was to work out some of the details of what we want to animate showing you the different heads of the various muscles and what they do. The medical illustrator will create a digital anatomical animation showing the muscle head and then will animate what happens when this muscle head contracts. With this visual animation Cathe quite often will tell you not only which muscle group is being worked, but also which head of a particular muscle is being emphasized. This should help you understand more precisely the part of the muscle you’re trying to develop.
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