Step Rehearsal for Shock Cardio

_mg_0255Hi Everyone! I am so happy to share with you some more details of the upcoming Shock Cardio Series. As you know, Shock Cardio consists of 11 metabolism rev’ing cardio workouts (plus a bonus Travel Fit workout, which promises to be no walk in the park either !!!). While these workouts can be done as stand alone workouts with 100 percent effective results, they are most specifically designed to be used along with the STS strength series. So now when you do STS weights three times a week you will also have numerous Shock Cardio workouts to choose from and insert on your cardio days. These workouts are designed to be a total compliment to STS weight training series. In standing with the same philosophy as STS weights, each of these Shock Cardio workouts will shock your system and never allow it to adapt to the workout at hand. These workouts provide a wide variety of cross training from the type of activity, to the length of the activity, to the intensity of the activity. No one Shock Cardio workout is like the other, and that’s a good thing!

Well as you can see today’s updates provides pic’s from one of our step rehearsals. We are having lots of fun here. The first part of the rehearsal covered more of Athletic Step where we have a nice variety of combo’s that are not hard to learn but SURELY intense. The combo’s flow nicely and keep your heart pumping with excellent music, energy, and challenge. As I have said in one of my past workouts “not a lot to think about, but certainly a lot to do”. The second part of the rehearsal focused on Step Moves. This is a very fun, flowing and seamless workout that incorporates rhythmic changes and dancier patterns such as spins, mambo’s and cha cha’s. The combo’s build up with just the right learning curve and then are worked as as a finished combo before moving on to the next one. This workout is one of my personal favorites, and again, has excellent upbeat club style all instrumental music. As a matter of fact, I used this soundtrack for one of our Step workouts on the 09 Roadtrip. It was a BIG hit!300_mg_0501

Speaking of music, we are working hard on the music and happy to announce that Big Beat music is once again our music supplier for this series. I am working closely with DJ Brian Howe to get us all those upbeat, toe tapping songs we love to hear to keep us “in the moment” of the workout. I am very pleased with the soundtracks we have so far. I’m just waiting on the rest of the music to arrive before setting the film date, shouldn’t be too much longer. Don’t worry; we still plan on a Fall release of Shock Cardio.

You can see more pictures from our latest step rehearsal on our Shock Cardio Flickr feed. I’ll post more pictures and have more details shortly on the rest of the workouts and rehearsals. I’ll be quite busy the next two weeks with rehearsals, but I’ll do my best to keep you updated more frequently.

Well I hate to scoot so soon, but I have to get ready for my class. After that I have a meeting with DJ Brian to review more “rocking” music for the Shock Cardio series. Those are always my favorite meetings.

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