Our story is one of success, getting sidelined and “Starting Over”. Last year my husband, Dave and I did STS all the way thru for the very first time right before the 2009 Cathe roadtrip. And, what a SHOCK TRAINING SYSTEM it is!
My body is very stubborn when it comes to change or seeing ANY noticeable results. I have taught Hi/Lo aerobics and muscle endurance weight work since 1981 and never, ever have gotten the results that I received from doing STS. I felt in the best shape of my life and so very strong. It’s the first time Dave has ever stuck to a fitness plan and he looked forward to each and every workout. It was fun working out together and I felt it was such quality time spent together.
To make this long story a lil’ bit shorter, we have gotten sidetracked due to the sickness of Dave’s mom this past year and also her death this past month. I/we have lost much of our strength, muscle tone and even just the GREAT feeling of accomplishment after EVERY workout. Cathe makes it so much fun that there was never any dread factor. We are only into week two of being “back at it”, but we already feel the muscle memory coming back. We can’t wait to keep at it and to receive the results we got a year ago.
For any male that is on the fence post about purchasing these workouts, GET THEM! You will not be sorry. They are NOT “girlie” workouts! 🙂 And, for this 57 and a 1/2 year old female and a 61 and a 1/2 year old male, STS absolutely ROCKS! Thanks Cathe for all you do and for sharing your amazing talent with us. You are the BEST of the BEST! No one does it better! Much appreciation & BIG HUGS from Dave & Deb