Send Us Your STS Results

_mg_5811Help us build our community by submitting your STS results story today. Your motivational STS story can help to inspire others and we would love to hear about and post your success story so that it may be shared with others.This submission form is only for people using our STS programs. You should use our other Success Story submission form for non-STS stories.
Your story can be about weight loss, strength gains, mental health or any accomplishment that STS helped you to achieve, but it does need to be at least 300 words. Not only do we want to hear about your successes, but also your challenges and struggles that you had to overcome and/or may still be working on. As way of thanking you for helping us build our site, every entry that meets our minimum requirements will be sent an email confirmation containing a coupon code that may only be used by you and is good for 15% off any of our products sold in our shopcathe site (coupon good for 60 days. Presale items excluded).
If your submission is selected for our “STS Results” spotlight on our home page you will also receive a $100 gift certificate that also may be used at Shopcathe..- STS Submit Form

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