Quinoa and Sweet Potato Salad

Quinoa and Sweet Potato salad
Quinoa and Sweet Potato salad


1 microwaved or baked sweet potato, peeled, cooled and diced
1/3 cup cooked quinoa
1/2 to 1 tablespoon each herb, finely chopped– flat leaf parsley, basil and mint
1/3 large English (seedless)cucumber diced
2 TBL lowfat balsamic dressing or 1-2 tsp balsamic vinegar and 2-3 tsp good oil
Salt and pepper to taste


Use previously baked sweet potato, or microwave sweet potato for 3-5 minutes until fork tender. Cook quinoa–follow directions on package. While the quinoa is cooking, finely chop herbs and dice cucumber. Mix herbs, vinegar and oil together, then add the rest of the ingredients, mix well and enjoy! You can serve right away or chill in the fridge to marry the flavors even more. Make any substitutions as desired (you can use couscous instead of quinoa and dill and cilantro are also good in this dish). Try this instead of a traditional potato salad at your next family get-together.

Sandra’s Blog: http://www.maintainmyweight.blogspot.com

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