Only ICE Gives You all of This!

Cathe's ICE Workout Series

Now In Stock! – ICE Discount Bundle Ships Worldwide for Free!

“Cathe! You’ve done it again! Amazing! Amazing! Amazing! Absolutely LOVED! Low Impact Sweat! Music was perfect! Had the stereo bumpin! BREATHING the whole time. Can’t wait to do all the other ICE DVDs.”  –  Nicole Schenck

All Exercise DVDs Are Not Created Equal!

Our New ICE workout DVDs are quickly becoming known for their outstanding  workouts, chapter menus and over 130 workout premixes that give you more control and workout options than other exercise DVDs. ICE has been designed to fit your workout schedule and your fitness level!

Only ICE Gives You all of This:

  • 7 Fat Blasting Workouts
  • 130+ Premixed Workouts that vary in length and intensity so you will never get bored!
  • 5 Bonus “Muscle Meltdown” Workouts (so you can train individual muscle groups)
  • 2 Bonus Icy Core Workouts
  • 5 Bonus Blizzard Blasts (more advanced exercisers can ramp up the intensity with these add-ons)
  • ICE User’s Guide with 6 different workout rotations to guide you every step of the way

Three Ways to Enjoy Cathe’s New ICE Workouts

1. Purchase the ICE DVDs: Purchase Cathe’s ICE DVDs

2. Purchase ICE Downloads: Purchase Cathe’s ICE Downloads

3. Subscribe to Cathe OnDemand: Subscribe to Cathe OnDemand

Download the Users Guide (PDF)


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I want to help you get in the best shape of your life and stay healthy with my workout videos, DVDs and Free Weekly Newsletter. Here are several ways you can watch and work out to my exercise videos and purchase my fitness products:

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