Meso #1 – Legs

The above picture is the group shot for STS Meso #1 – Legs (featured in this workout are: Stuart, Lorraine, Cathe, Cedie, Jai and Greg).
Meso #1- Legs is a muscle endurance workout for your lower body and you will use weights that are 60% to 70% of your 1RM. Since this is a muscle endurance workout you will need only a 30 second rest between exercises.
This was the first leg workout in the STS series to be rehearsed and Cathe and all of the crew were still feeling it five days later. Cathe has spent a lot of time over the last year carefully examining every exercise in the STS lower body program choosing only the best of the best for STS. What Cathe has come up with are four very intense and thorough lower body workouts that not only work your legs, but more importantly target the glutes better than any workouts she has released before.
We’re going to share a lot of pictures with you over the next few days for Meso #1, but one thing you will notice is that you will not see any barbell squats. Squats are one of the best exercises for the lower body, but with a barbell squat the home exerciser is limited by the weight they can lift into position by their upper body strength, not the weight their lower body can handle. We will still do squats in Meso #1, but dumbbell only for this mesocycle.
There are four leg workouts in this cycle. Each will include a separate and uniquely different Bonus leg section at the end for anyone who really wants to “fry” their legs.
Bonus #1 – Leg Conditioning Drills
Bonus #2 – Standing and Floor work using a band.
Bonus #3 – Floor work using ankle weights
Bonus #4- Floor work using Stability Ball and Paper Plates
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