Meet Nancy and Amanda


Hi Everyone!  Now that filming is over and we have had a little time to share some pictures with you, I’d like to also share a little bit about our newest cast members, Nancy (left) and Amanda (right), who were the two winners of our Daytona casting call contest.  Just to recap, for those who might not be aware, we held video-taped auditions during our Daytona Road Trip this past October, and the winner of the audition won the opportunity to appear as a cast member in our next DVD.  Well, after watching all the auditions, I narrowed it down to Nancy and Amanda.  Can I tell you I watched their performances (which consisted of my pre-established step, weight, and kickboxing exercises) over and over and over, trying to decide the winner.  I just couldn’t do it.  They were both a solid tie!  So after a great deal of thinking, I decided to have them both.  You will soon see for yourself why my decision was so hard but for now I’ve asked Nancy and Amanda to share a little something about themselves so you can get to know your fellow Cathletes a little better.

Nancy – age 34

I am originally from Quebec, Canada and speak both French and English.  I am currently a sewing machine operator, in the taping department in a Skydiving gear manufacture in Deland, Florida

My hobby is competing in Figure. Cathe is my lifestyle.

My 1st Cathe DVD was actually a VHS from the cross xpress series; “ALL STEP”. I did this one until my tape died! LOL!!!

My favorite DVD…. Well I have 2 that I can’t tell which one is my favorite so here we go: IMax 2 and from the premix of Lower & Higher Intensity Step; Double cardio (so both L & H Intensity Step back to back). I can’t live without those 2 step DVDs!!!

To stay in shape I do the following:

I eat a very clean diet (6 little meals 6 x’s per day)

Do cardio 1-2 x’s per day (I do Cathe’s workouts 6-10 x’s per week)

I weight train 3-6 x’s per week

Drink 1-1.5 gallons of water per day and try to rest as much as I can!

Off season, I weight train 3-4 x’s per week and my diet is very healthy with 1-2 cheat meals per week.  During my competitive season, I weight train 6-6.5 x’s per week and am on a very strict diet (weigh all my portions and eat low carbs, high proteins and moderate essential fats)

Amanda –  age 31

I’m married & have a 4 yr. old daughter. I’ve been working out with Cathe since 2004 and have been hooked ever since.  My first and favorite Cathe DVD is Kick, Punch, & Crunch!

Prior to becoming a stay at home mom, I was a group fitness instructor and had my own personal training business. I have a degree in Fitness Management and plan to work again in the fitness industry. I now workout as a hobby and competed in my first figure competition (this past April) in which I took 1st place in both of my divisions!

I alternate between Cathe’s workouts as well as going to the gym. I eat “clean” most of the time including as many veggies in my diet as possible, lean meats, brown rice, oats, and peanut butter.  I definitely allow myself a “cheat” meal(s) 1-2 x per week, depending on the intensity of my workouts.  I usually workout 5-7 days per week incorporating split weight workouts to allow for adequate muscle recovery.

I admire Cathe for all she stands for and she is my biggest inspiration. Thanks, Cathe for getting me in the best shape of my life! You truly are the best and I’m proud to be a Cathelete!

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