Join Us This Thursday for a Special Cathe Live Double Header!

Join Us This Thursday for a Special Cathe Live Double Header!

You already know that every Thursday at 9:15 am eastern we broadcast a Cathe Live class from our Gym in New Jersey, but what you probably don’t know is that this is not Cathe’s only class on Thursday. At 10:45am she is right back in the same room teaching another class geared toward seniors.

Our senior fitness program is regarded as one of the highest rated senior programs in the country. Just as she does in her other gym classes and her home exercise videos, Cathe knows how hard to push and when to pull back when teaching senior classes too – age doesn’t matter! We look forward to sharing this special class with you on this weeks  Cathe Live.

Join us this Thursday for a special Cathe Live Double header at 9:15 am for our normal weekly group fitness class and then again at 10:45 for Cathe’s senior fit class.

Fitness is truly for people of all ages and perhaps benefits seniors the most. Exercise is essential to everyone, including those in the over-50 crowd. Not only can having a regular workout routine keep you physically fit it can actually reverse some of the maladies caused by aging. You may be pleasantly surprised at how much better you feel and how sharp your mind becomes, simply by adding a few minutes of exercise each day.

10 benefits of exercise for seniors:

Weight Maintenance– When you exercise, you are burning calories and ramping up your metabolism. Your metabolism slows down as you age, so you need to do whatever you can to continue burning calories if you want to stay at a healthy weight. You’ll also discover that building muscle increases your body’s ability to burn fat.

Maintaining and Improving Flexibility, Strength, and Balance – As you exercise, you’ll find that you are more flexible and stronger. This helps with balance and helps to prevent injuries from accidents. If you have arthritis, you may notice that your symptoms subside as you gain flexibility and mobility through exercise.

Disease Reduction – People who exercise on a regular basis enjoy stronger immune systems, improved heart function, increased bone density, and better digestion. In turn, you are lowering your risk of dementia, heart disease, diabetes, various types of cancer, and bone related disorders. According to the staff at the Mayo Clinic, weight bearing exercises can help strengthen your bones and slow down bone loss.

Improved Sleep – Many people discover that they don’t sleep as well as they get older. Exercise helps you to go to sleep and have a more restful sleep, which will keep you more alert the next day.

Sense of Well Being – As you improve your fitness level, your brain will increase the production of endorphins. You’ll experience a stronger sense of well being because you’ll look better, feel better, and have something to look forward to.

Better Brain Function – Exercise gets the blood pumping and increases the oxygen level to the brain. You may even be able to slow down any form of dementia or memory loss.

Faster Healing – According to Today’s Caregiver, you may experience quicker healing if you are engaged in an exercise program. The increased blood supply throughout your body will bring the much needed nutrients to the injury site.

Lower Medical Bills – People who are inactive are almost twice as likely to develop medical problems such as heart disease states the National Institutes of Health, Senior Health. If you stay physically fit, you will have fewer visits to the doctor, less risk of being hospitalized, and a decreased need for medications.

Enjoying a Longer Life – Older people who exercise are more likely to live longer and enjoy the extra years due to lower risks of disease and accidents.

Having Fun – Exercise doesn’t have to be something you dread. You can engage in hiking, dancing, sports, or any other activity you enjoy. Many fitness programs have the extra benefit of providing a social outlet, giving you something to look forward to.

We hope that you will share the video clip of the class once we post it with your parents, relatives and senior friends as fitness for seniors can dramatically improve the longevity and quality of their lives.


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