Hi Everyone, by now you must have heard about the egg recall. Eggland’s Best, the sponsor of all our Road Trips, has asked me to pass along some important information to you. Not only did I want to let you know that Eggland’s Best eggs are not part of any recall you may have heard about, but I also wanted to give you some hard facts:
- EB eggs are safe.
- EB eggs are not produced in Iowa
EB has the most comprehensive food safety quality assurance program and will never compromise when it comes to consumer safety. I am proud to eat EB eggs and to tell you about what makes EB eggs different!
- The Eggland’s Best food safety quality assurance programwas introduced in 1995 and adheres to and goes beyond the new enacted FDA Egg Safety Rule inmany ways,including the requirement to vaccinate all hens 3 times to create resistance to Salmonella infection so that consumers can use EB eggs with confidence.
Yes, that is correct! All EB hens are vaccinated 3 times against Salmonella! · Eggland’s Best hens are fed an all-natural, all-vegetarian diet that does not contain animal fat or other animal by-products, a potential cause for salmonella.
- Alloperations are certified under the Safe Quality Food (SQF) Program.
- All plants producing EB eggs are inspected by USDA.
- USDA allows regular generic eggs to be stored up to 21 days before packing into cartons, whereas Eggland’s Best sets a maximum of 7 days. Most EB eggs leave the farms within 24-48 hours after production, or as soon as they have completely cooled to 45 degrees or below. Fresher eggs are more resistant to bacterial growth.
- EB conducts over 45,000 tests annually to ensure that their product meets the highest standards.
EB eggs are the nutritious and they taste delicious too! EB eggs contain 10 times more Vitamin E than ordinary eggs, four times more Vitamin D,115mg of Omega 3, shown to be beneficial to cardiac health, 25% less Saturated Fat, 75% more Vitamin B12, over 50% more Vitamin A, 15% more Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), 200 mcg of Lutein, shown to contribute to eye health, and 10% of the daily recommended intake of folic acid. In addition, one Eggland’s Best large white egg contains 175mg of Cholesterol compared to 215mg in an ordinary egg.
Eggland’s best eggs are safe, taste better and are nutritious and I hope that you will enjoy them as much as I do!
It was great seeing you at the EB New Jersey Road trip, and I am excited to see you in October in Woodlands, Texas.
Thank you!
If you would like more information about Eggland’s Best eggs, please go to http://www.egglandsbest.com To receive future promotional mailings, become a fan of Eggland’s Best on Facebook at http://bit.ly/512H80, follow EB on Twitter at http://bit.ly/72gaX6, and subscribe to the EB eNewsletter at http://www.egglandsbest.com/contact/newsletter.aspx.