I lost 100 pounds with Cathe by Traci


A few years ago, I was 230+ pounds and wore a size 24. I saw a picture of myself, and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Was that really me?

I decided that enough was enough, and I wanted to be healthy and happy. I changed my diet, and most importantly started exercising and lifting weights. At first, I was only able to walk on the treadmill. After a few months, I started some light weight lifting. When I got bored with the treadmill, I started taking some classes at the gym, and learned that I really enjoyed step. So I started looking for some step DVDs to do at home.

I bought a step, and it came with Cathe’s Basic Step DVD. I enjoyed the workout, and once I learned the basics I stayed with Cathe’s videos. The videos were so difficult, that at first I had to pause the DVDs every few minutes! Slowly but surely, my stamina and strength increased, and I was able to do more and more of the workouts without a break. As I got used to doing one video, I would buy another one and start the cycle all over again.

I’ve always loved the variety of Cathe’s workouts, from pure strength to step to floor aerobics and kickboxing. Now, after a few years, I am down to 125 pounds and a size 4, and I exercise 6 days a weeek. I’m able to run, and have run in a few 5K’s. I am undoubtedly in the best shape of my life, and I owe some of my success to Cathe’s wonderful workouts and motivating style.

The best part is that not only do I benefit from the workouts, but my husband exercises with me as well and is so happy with his new-found muscles! We are both so proud of our progress and so happy with our healthiness! Thank you Cathe!!

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