How to Improve Digestion by Eating for Your Blood Type

How to Improve Digestion by Eating for Your Blood TypeThe four blood types O, A, B, and AB developed at different points in human history and tend to be concentrated differently around the world. As a result, your blood type may contain helpful clues as to which foods to avoid and which to include in your diet. Eating with your blood type can ultimately lead to improved digestion, energy, and even weight loss.

Blood Type O

The oldest blood type, O developed during the hunter-gatherer stage of human history. As a consequence, people of this type may do best on a high-protein diet including meat and have difficulty being vegetarian. Other “caveman” foods include nuts, fruit, and vegetables. Type Os may have issues processing less digestion-friendly foods including dairy, beans, and grains, particularly wheat. If weight is an issue, reducing the consumption of wheat and baked goods may help.

Blood Type A

Type A evolved out of the agrarian or farming culture. People of these type tend to have an easy time digesting ancient grains like rice and corn, though this is not the case for the more recently-adopted grains, including wheat, rye, barley, and oats. Type As are also adept at digesting beans, and can likely become vegetarian or vegan without difficulty. For non-vegetarian Type As, taking hydrochloric acid supplements aid with the digestion of red meat.

Blood Type B

Ancient B types kept livestock, so modern Bs are the only group capable of easily digesting milk products. B types thrive as omnivores and can tolerate beans, ancient grains, and legumes well, though they process chicken poorly and are sensitive to gluten.

Blood Type AB

The most recent blood-type development, ABs are a relative rarity. Tending to have a mixed profile of A- and B-type strengths and weaknesses, AB types need less protein than Bs, but should still beware chicken. ABs tolerate dairy and gluten moderately well. Seafood and tofu are especially good food choices.

People of all blood types benefit from the reduction of wheat and gluten in the diet. For optimal digestion and possible weight loss, it’s best to take special care around other foods that people are commonly allergic to, including dairy, corn, and legumes such as peanuts. These foods can provoke inflammation in the body, slow the digestive system, lower your energy and sour your mood.

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