
Homemade sausage, egg and cheese Mcmuffins–Healthified and tasty!

Homemade sausage, egg and cheese Mcmuffins--healthified
Homemade sausage, egg and cheese Mcmuffins--healthified


1 pound ground turkey (thawed)
1 Tablespoon Spike seasoning (found at your local whole foods or grocer
Coconut oil (we prefer this for frying the eggs…yet any oil will do)
8 eggs–one per sandwich
8 slices cheese or 1 1/2-2 cups shredded (monterey jack or colby cheese tastes great in these)
8 Whole-wheat english muffins


-Stir spike seasoning into ground turkey..(makes it taste like sausage!) Form into patties and cook on the griddle. Set aside or keep in oven on warm setting.
-Cook the eggs in the oil (did you know coconut oil increases your metabolic rate to help you lose weight?) We used a circular cookie cutter with a little dish on it for a lid when cooking to keep the egg in a circular shape. Put eggs in oven with the meat patties to keep warm.
-Place the english muffins on a cookie tray. Place cheese on half of them (for the bottoms.) Broil for minutes.
-Add the meat patty and egg and top it off with the other half of the muffin.

Enjoy-This is a family favorite at our house!


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