HiiT – Double Wave Pyramid

hiit-pyramidNo equipment is needed for the 3rd HiiT workout – Double Wave Pyramid. You’ll do 2 rounds of intervals separated by only a one minute rest in this workout. In each round, you’ll follow a pyramid cycle of 9 intervals in which you’ll start your first wave with a 20 second interval and work your way up to the top of the pyramid increasing each interval by 5 seconds as you go. Then you’ll work your way back down the pyramid decreasing each interval by 5 seconds. After taking a one minute rest you will repeat the same intervals that you did in the first round so find your focus and get your game face on for this workout.

HiiT Double Wave Pyramid is an advanced workout, but is only about 30 minutes in length so it is perfect for days when you don’t have a lot of time, but still want a hard and effective workout.

To view a slide show of pictures from the filming of HiiT Double Wave Pyramid – Click Here

Pre-Order HiiT Double Wave Pyramid – Click Here (presale prices End Nov 9th)

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