Gluten Free Chicken Quesadilla

Gluten Free Chicken Quesadilla
Gluten Free Chicken Quesadilla


Brown Rice Tortilla – 1 Tortillas (I get these from Trader Joes)
Feta Cheese – 1 oz.
Fresh Spinach – 1 cup
Grilled Chicken Breast, skinless -4 oz.


I love simple, few ingredients, and gluten free meals.

Heat a non stick (green) skillet, you can use canoli spay, but I use nothing. Place tortillas in pan, add cooked chicken, spinach and cheese. Cover pan and let it melt the cheese and cook the tortillas until it is nice light brown color and crispy. Fold over the one side of the tortilla, heat for another second and place on plate.

You can add so much to this: mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, broccoli. You can also use different feta cheeses, like a mediterranean feta. The tortilla gets really nice a crispy like a chip.

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