Banana/Strawberry Skewers:
2 medium to large bananas
16 medium to large strawberries
Raspberry/Blueberry Skewers:
20 red raspberries (about 1/4 cup)
60 blueberries (about 1/3 cup)
Cherry/Pineapple Skewers:
20 sweet cherries
1 cup of pineapple chunks
Prepare the fruit as follows:
Banana/Strawberry Skewers (shown at left):
Peel bananas. Wash, drain and hull strawberries. Slice fruit into 1/4 inch horizontal discs.
Raspberry/Blueberry Skewers (shown in center):
Wash and drain berries. Pat dry. (You will skewer whole berries)
Cherry/Pineapple Skewers (shown at right):
Cut away pineapple leaf crown and skin. Quarter, core, and dice into 1/4 inch chunks. Slice cherries in half and carefully remove pits and stems. (You will skewer cherry halves).
For all skewers:
Alternate fruit as desired onto six inch bamboo skewers. Each recipe yields approximately four skewers.
Freeze for 12 hours on a flat surface in a freezer bag. Once frozen, they are ready to enjoy any time. Eat within two weeks or enclose in additional freezing materials for long- term storage (for up to 6 months).
The skewers in this recipe are great combinations, but you can try frozen skewers of many of your favorite fruits when they are fresh and in season.
CAUTION: Citrus fruits, apples, and pears usually discolor or lose their flavor when frozen.
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