Egg Muffins

Egg Muffins
Egg Muffins


6 egg whites (egglands best or any eggs)
2 whole eggs
3 Andouille chicken sausages crumbled
1 cup cottage cheese (I use friendship 1% whipped)


Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Mix 2 eggs and 6 egg whites with 1 cup of cottage cheese
Cook Andouille sausages and cut into small pieces. I remove the sausage from the casing and crumble
Mix in sausage pieces
Pour into 12 muffin cups
I’ve also cooked this in a glass baking dish but I like having them portioned into the muffins.
Bake for 25 minutes or until eggs are set and slightly browned. This is a staple for me. I always have some in my fridge. They are easy to take to work and eat on the go. I love the flavor that the spicy sausage gives them. You can use whatever ingredients you have on hand. I add handfuls of spinach or diced tomatoes or whatever is around or nothing at all. Enjoy!

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