Spring Rolls

Spring Rolls
Spring Rolls


Rice vermicelli (skinny rice noodles)
Spring roll (rice) wrappers (8.5-inch diameter)
Shredded or thinly sliced (long strips) carrot, cucumber, snow peas
Bean sprouts
Chinese cabbage or a lettuce you like
Chopped basil, mint, cilantro


1.Bring a large pot of water to boil. Turn off heat and soak noodles 3-5 minutes. Drain by taking the noodles out of the hot water and putting them into a colander. Save the hot water. Rinse the noodles in cold water and drain well.
2. Lay out your shredded vegetables, noodles, chopped herbs, sprouts, and shredded lettuce. Give yourself room to assemble and roll up the spring rolls.
3. Keep the hot water on the stove to reheat if needed. Dip one wrapper into the hot water for a few seconds to soften (not too long!). Lift out with tongs (or your fingers if you are careful) and let drain for a few seconds. Lay the wrapper flat on your work surface.
4. In a row across the center of the wrapper, lay some noodles, vegetables, and herbs, leaving about 2 inches on each side.
5. Roll up like a burrito (end, then sides, then keep rolling).
6. Put on a platter and serve with soy sauce or whatever dipping sauce you want.

Serve that day. The next day they are still very good but the wrapper gets chewy. You can also rub a little bit of sesame or canola oil on the outside so they don’t stick together on the serving tray.

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