Protein bOATmeal Loaves

Protein bOATmeal Loaves


3 cups gluten free rolled oats
4 1/2 cups Eggland’s Best egg whites
2 medium bananas
1/2 t. baking powder
2-3 t cinnamon
2 T Rice Protein


Preheat oven to 350. Place 6 mini loaf pans on a cookie sheet and coat with PAM.

Mix egg whites, bananas, baking powder, cinnamon and rice protein in a blender until smooth. Add in oats just until mixed. If you over mix, you will lose the “oat” texture.

Pour mixture evenly into tins and bake for 65 minutes. Cool and store in fridge for a quick and easy breakfast. Reheat loaf and top with nut butter for the perfect ratio of carbs, protein, fat and fiber to fuel your next workout.

-Lower carb option: decrease oats to 2 c.
-Sweeter option: use 3 bananas
-Add nuts, berries, sliced fruit or cocoa nibs for added flavors.


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