Protein Bars



2 cups of Almonds or 2 cup of almond meal
5 scoops of protein powder
3 Tbls. of Honey
8 Squares of Dark Chocolate (I used 85% Cacao)


Place raw almonds In a food processor, pulse until they have the consistency of flour. If you don’t have a food processor you can used almond meal. Add the protein powder, and pulse until combined. While the processor is running, slowly add the honey until the mixture is chewy. Remove contents from processor and press in a 8 X 8 glass dish. Melt the chocolate in the microwave for 1 minute, stirring every 20 seconds. Once completely melting, pour over bars. Puace in refrigerator until set (approx. 30 minutes), then cut into 10 bars. You can leave out the chocolate to lessen the calories and fat if you wish.

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