“Power 15” Bar

"Power 15" Bar


1 Whole Chicken
2 tbsp of butter
4 palm sized red potatoes cut up into chunks
1/2 cabbage chunked up
4 large carrots cut up
Sea Salt and black pepper to taste



Preheat oven to 350. Place chicken in roasting pan or dutch oven and slit the skin of the breast in a couple 1 inch slits. Slip 1 tap of butter under the skin of chicken, season with sea salt and pepper, toss veggies all around and place in oven to begin the beautiful roasting process. Roast for 2 1/2 hours or a bit more depending on the size of your chicken. Enjoy some white meat and dark meat as well and if your chicken is pasture-fed, enjoy some skin as well. Makes 5-6 “Power 15” Bar servings!
Next, use the chicken carcass in a crockpot or boiling water to make a bone broth. Simply toss in carcass, sea salt, black pepper, 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar and let simmer for 24 hours, then sip the bone broth for improved digestion, less wrinkles, less cellulite, and more bone-buidling complements of the collagen in the bone.


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