
Penne with zucchini and ricotta cheese

Penne with zucchini and ricotta cheese
Penne with zucchini and ricotta cheese


4 oz penne pasta
1 tsp olive oil
1/2 onion, thinly sliced
5 oz ricotta cheese, if you like, choose the low-fat one
2 cups of fresh zucchini, thinly sliced
2 pinches of fresh (or frozen) parsely
grated parmesan cheese, optional


Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium-low heat. Add the slices of onion and zucchini,then add salt and pepper according to your own taste and cook gently for 20-25 minutes, adding water if needed. You should cook zucchini until they become soft, nearly mashed. When they are almost completely cooked,add parsley and complete their cooking.

In the meantime cook pasta: when it is boiling, pick up 2 tablespoons of its cooking water and add it to ricotta,then using a fork whip it until you obtain a sort of cream.

Drain pasta and add it to the skillet with zucchini, add creamy ricotta and mix everything up. For a stronger taste add grated parmesan cheese.


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