Organic Dairy Free Vanailla Latte Iced Coffee

Organic Dairy Free Vanailla Latte Iced Coffee


8 ounces organic brewed coffee
¼ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 teaspoons coconut butter (I Use Nutiva “Coconut Manna”)
2 pitted dates
5-6 Regular water-based ice cubes or coffee-ice cubes
** NOTE**(if you make your own coffee and add to ice cube tray you can make Coffee cubes this makes it A lot Richer in flavor)



1. Place all ingredients (including Ice) in a high-speed blender and process for one full minute, until smooth, creamy and frothy.
2. Pour your coffee in a glass, add More ice cubes or Coffee cubes and transfer to the freezer for 5 minutes. Drink cold.

**ALSO NOTE** may divide into 2 glasses for smaller amount or save other for later or share (I NEVER SHARE 😉 )
OMG… SO GOOD and Healthy Fats too.. YUM!! ENJOY!!

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